Hodara’s monochromatic, two-dimensional works on paper and panel take inspiration from patent drawings for contemporary technological applications like aerial drones. For centuries, the patent system has ushered technical innovations into legally protected products. Yet despite an increasingly sophisticated and globalized world, today’s patent documentation is visually inept: it pairs tedious scientific nomenclature with child-like drawings, complete with misspelled words and nonsensical labels.
Using imagery – arrows, boxes, and other iconography – appropriated from the patents themselves, Hodara creates intricate patterns and evocative compositions that capture both the tension and intimacy in the relationship between technology and culture.
Nathan Thomas Wilson’s orbital resin casts punctuate the show with shiny pops of color. Highly polished, the gem-like forms hide found debris, from dead animals to discarded wrappers, plucked from the streets of Philadelphia.
Like Hodara’s works, Wilson’s pieces arise from an unexpected process. In concert, they encourage contemplation of the beauty that emerges from their unlikely sources.
May 12th – June 9th
Opening Reception: May 12th 6-9pm *Second Thursday event
Location: The Project Space